ウエスタン バッジ U.S インディアン ポリス/Badge [USIDNP379]

ウエスタン バッジ U.S インディアン ポリス/Badge [USIDNP379]

価格: 1,990円

(税込: 2,189円)

In 1880 a unit of Indian police was organized
to operate throughout the Five Civilized Nations.
This new unit was called United States Indian Police (U.S.P.I.).
Their duty was to uphold Federal Law.
The Indian Police were often deputized
by US Marshals to assist in pursuit of non-tribal criminals.
Some legendary US Indian Police were
Sam Sixkiller (Cherokee) and Red Tomahawk (Sioux)
who shot and killed Sitting Bull (Sioux).


Old West replica badges
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